TimeStation handles employee and administrator logins differently, for an employee to become an account administrator, the employee would need to have an administrator login. Please note that the same eMail address cannot be used for both employees and administrators. As such, if you want to use the same eMail address for the employee's administrator login, it must first be removed from the employee entry, please find below the procedure to make the switch:
A) Remove eMail address from Employee Entry
1) Login to your account at http://www.mytimestation.com
2) Click on "Employees"
3) Click on the employee that you wish to create an admin login for
4) Click on "Edit Employee"
5) Under "TimeStation Access", clear the eMail address field
6) Under Permissions clear the boxes "Login to the TimeStation Site" and "Login to the TimeStation App"
7) Click "Save"
B) Create Administrator Login
1) Login to your account at http://www.mytimestation.com
2) Click on "Settings"
3) Click on "Administrators"
4) Click on "Create New Administrator"